엔티티 변경
User는 여러개의 게시판을 쓸수 있으므로 User와 Board는 one to many 관계를 설정한다. Comment 도 마찬가지로 User와 one to many 관계이다.
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@Entity() @Unique(['email']) export class User { ... @OneToMany(type => Board, board => board.user) boards: Board[]; @OneToMany(type => Comment, comment => comment.user) comments: Comment[]; } |
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@Entity() export class Board { ... @ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.boards) user: User; } |
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@Entity() export class Comment { ... @ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.comments) user: User; } |
게시판에 사용자 정보 적용
게시판 리스트에서 작성자를 표시하기 위해서는 사용자 정보를 포함해야 한다.
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export class BoardController { static addBoard = async (req, res) => { const {title, content, user_id} = req.body; const user = await getConnection().getRepository(User).findOne({id: user_id}); const board = new Board(); board.title = title; board.content = content; board.user = user; const result = await getConnection().getRepository(Board).save(board); res.send(result); } static findAllBoard = async (req, res) => { const {page_number, page_size} = req.query; const options = {}; options['select'] = ["id", "title", "content", "created", "updated"]; options['order'] = {id: 'DESC'}; options['relations'] = ['user'] if (page_number && page_size) { options['skip'] = (page_number - 1) * page_size; options['take'] = page_size; } const boards = await getConnection().getRepository(Board).find(options); res.send(boards); } static findOneBoard = async (req, res) => { // 동적 파라메터가 정규표현식으로 변경이 되면 첫번째 파라메터를 가져와야 한다. ex: {'0': '1'} // const id = req.params[0]; const {id} = req.params; const board = await getConnection().getRepository(Board).findOne({relations: ['user'], where: {id}}); res.send(board); } static countBoard = async (req, res) => { const total = await getConnection().getRepository(Board).count(); res.send({total}); } static modifyBoard = async (req, res) => { const {id, title, content} = req.body; const updateOption = {}; if (title) { updateOption['title'] = title; } if (content) { updateOption['content'] = content; } const result = await getConnection().createQueryBuilder().update(Board) .set(updateOption) .where("id = :id", {id}) .execute(); res.send(result); } static removeBoard = async (req, res) => { const {id} = req.query; const result = await getConnection() .createQueryBuilder() .delete() .from(Board) .where("id = :id", {id}) .execute(); res.send(result); } } |
댓글에 사용자 정보 적용
게시판 리스트에서 작성자를 표시하기 위해서는 사용자 정보를 포함해야 한다.
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export class CommentController { static addComment = async (req, res) => { const {board_id, content, user_id} = req.body; const board = await getConnection().getRepository(Board).findOne({id: board_id}); const user = await getConnection().getRepository(User).findOne({id: user_id}); const comment = new Comment(); comment.content = content; comment.board = board; comment.user = user; await getConnection().getRepository(Comment).save(comment); res.send(comment); } static findAllComment = async (req, res) => { const {board_id} = req.query; const result = await getConnection().getRepository(Comment).createQueryBuilder('comment') .innerJoinAndSelect('comment.board', 'board') .innerJoinAndSelect('comment.user', 'user') .where('board.id=:board_id', {board_id}) .getMany() console.log(result); res.send(result); // const boards = await getConnection().getRepository(Comment).find({ where: { board_id: board_id } }); /* const board = await getConnection().getRepository(Board) .findOne({relations: ["comments"], where: {id: board_id}, order: {id: 'DESC'}}); res.send(board.comments);*/ } static findOneComment = async (req, res) => { const {id} = req.query; const comment = await getConnection().getRepository(Comment).findOne({id}); console.log(comment); res.send(comment); } static modifyComment = async (req, res) => { const {id, content} = req.body; const result = await getConnection().createQueryBuilder().update(Comment) .set({content}) .where("id = :id", {id}) .execute(); res.send(result); } static removeComment = async (req, res) => { const {id} = req.query; const result = await getConnection() .createQueryBuilder() .delete() .from(Comment) .where("id = :id", {id}) .execute(); res.send(result); } } |